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你是否渴望成为一名表演者, 作曲家, 私人音乐教师, 跨文化传教士或教会音乐家, CIU的音乐课程可以帮助你实现你的目标. The Music program at Columbia International University is designed to provide 学生 with a comprehensive 教育 in music, enabling them to develop and refine the skills necessary for success in any area of music.


  • Sharpen your 表演 skills through one-on-one private instruction and coaching, 还有合奏演出的机会 
  • 提高你的音乐分析能力, which are essential for stronger 和更多的 nuanced 表演s 
  • Broaden your knowledge and understanding of diverse musical styles, 包括古典, 爵士乐, 受欢迎的, 世界音乐 
  • 通过合作项目拓展你的创造力, 即兴创作 and exploration of new musical ideas and techniques 
  • 拥有一批经验丰富、技艺精湛的音乐家, 最先进的设施, 还有一个充满活力的音乐人社区, CIU’s Music program is an ideal choice for anyone seeking a rigorous and rewarding music 教育.​ 



Columbia International University’s 音乐文学学士学位 program offers a unique and comprehensive 教育 that sets it ap艺术 from other music programs.

  • 专注于基督教的世界观: CIU is grounded in a Christian worldview that integrates faith and music, preparing 学生 to use their musical gifts in a way that honors God and serves others.
  • 个性化的教学: The Music program offers personalized instruction with a low student-to-faculty ratio. This enables 学生 to receive one-on-one attention and feedback from experienced and accomplished faculty members who are passionate about teaching.
  • 多样的音乐风格我们还提供多种风格的音乐, 包括古典, 爵士乐, 流行音乐和世界音乐. This allows 学生 to explore a variety of musical genres and develop a well-rounded skill set.
  • 表现的机会另外:, CIU的项目提供了各种各样的表演机会, 包括合奏表演, 独奏会和大师班. These experiences allow 学生 to develop their 表演 skills and gain valuable real-world experience.
  • 合作项目在CIU这里, 我们强调合作和创新, providing opportunities for 学生 to work together on projects such as songwriting, 编曲和录音.
  • 素质教育包括音乐理论在内的全面教育, 历史与业绩, as well as general 教育 courses in areas such as English, 数学, 和科学. This provides 学生 with a broad foundation that can be applied to a variety of careers.


Having a BA in Music can open up diverse career paths beyond 表演. 以下是一些值得探索的潜在领域: 

  • 音乐教育: Teaching music to a variety of age groups in schools, community centers or private lessons. 
  • 音乐疗法: Using music to promote physical, emotional and cognitive healing in patients. 
  • 音乐新闻: Writing reviews, 艺术icles or blogs about music and music events for publications. 
  • 音乐行业: Working in the music industry as an 艺术ist manager, record label executive or concert promoter. 
  • 音乐技术从事音乐制作技术方面的工作, 比如声音工程或音乐软件开发. 
  • 音乐学: Researching and analyzing the cultural, social and historical context of music. 
  • 作曲为电影创作原创音乐, 电视, 或者电子游戏, 以及个人艺术项目. 

These are just a few examples of the wide variety of opportunities available to graduates with a BA in Music. With a passion for music and the necessary skills and knowledge, there are many paths to a fulfilling and successful career in the music industry. 


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In addition to the undergraduate core, here are degree specific-courses you can expect to take:

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  • MUS 1000大会

    This is a requirement for all 学生 with a major in music and music minors enrolled in other music courses. 集会包括每周朗诵, 讲座, 以及音乐系教师的演讲, 学生, 和客座音乐家.

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  • 实用音乐

    The course is designed to provide 学生 with the knowledge and practical skills required to read and play melodies, 简单和谐的赞美诗风格, 在所有琴键中演奏大调和小调音阶, 所有逆温的I-IV-V-I进展. Note: This course is required of all music majors during their first semester. Completion of the course will satisfy the music program piano proficiency requirement. The class must be passed before a student may take Music Theory I or Aural Theory I.

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  • 听力理论1

    强调准确和富有表现力的阅读策略, 即兴创作, 唱歌, and dictation using elementary rhythms and diatonic pitch materials in treble and bass clefs. 包括所有音程和音阶的演唱, 旋律和音程听写, 辨别大调三和弦和小调三和弦, 有节奏的练习, 在有限的音域内进行视唱. 与乐理一同时修.

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  • 听觉理论2

    Students will complete an aural understanding of diatonic harmony through harmonic dictation in addition to a continuing practice of sight 唱歌 and melodic and rhythmic dictation. Includes intervallic, melodic, two and four-p艺术, and rhythmic dictation. Recognition of bass and soprano factors as well as triad function in four-p艺术 dictation. 节奏练习包括细分水平. Sight-唱歌 with modal inflections and in tenor and alto clef. 与乐理二同时修.

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  • 音乐理论1

    在本课程中, 你将复习音乐的基础知识(节奏), 尺度, 关键的签名, 阅读, 与写的能力), 接着是对和声的详细研究, 时间间隔, 键盘和声, 以及旋律和合唱分析. You will apply your knowledge in composition of traditional and contemporary music.

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  • 音乐理论II

    在本课程中, you will continue to review the fundamentals of music (rhythm, 尺度, 关键的签名, 阅读, 与写的能力), 接着是对和声的详细研究, 时间间隔, 键盘和声, 以及旋律和合唱分析. You will apply your knowledge in composition of traditional and contemporary music.

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  • 钢琴水平

    This is a requirement for music majors that involves a demonstration of competency in all the keyboard skills described in the Piano Proficiency handbook.

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  • 音乐理论三

    在这种音乐理论研究的延续中, 你将专注于高级视觉歌唱和听觉训练, 听写和抄写, 键盘和声, 分三、四部分写作, 介绍当代和弦符号表示法.

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  • 音乐理论四

    在这种音乐理论研究的延续中, 你将专注于高级视觉歌唱和听觉训练, 听写和抄写, 键盘和声, 分三、四部分写作, 介绍当代和弦符号表示法.

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  • MUS 4200西方音乐史1

    在本课程中, you will cover the time period from about AD 600-1750. The course begins with an introduction to ancient music and continues through the periods of the Middle Ages, 文艺复兴时期的, 和巴洛克风格. 你将学习音乐特征, 仪器, and theory of each period as well as the cultural and historical contexts including philosophy, 宗教, 政治, 艺术, 体系结构, 和日常生活. Connections are made to music from other cultures as well as contemporary musical styles.

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  • MUS 4201西方音乐史II

    在本课程中, you will examine the history of Western music from the Classical Period through the present day, stressing the origin and evolution of musical forms and musical styles and the important composers since 1750. Students will also be placing this knowledge in the broader cultural context of each period.

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  • MUS 4810当代基督徒崇拜

    在本课程中, you will begin to examine the many facets of music ministry in today's church, 包括服务规划, 敬拜的哲学, 扩声及录音, 音乐/戏剧生产, 团队建设, 当代的崇拜方式. 部分课程可能由不同的专家教授.

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  • MUS 4898朗诵

    A requirement for music majors that involves a 25-35 minute, 在他们的主要表演领域举行公开演奏会, 由他们从私人研究中挑选的音乐组成的.

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  • MUS 4930音乐实习

    This is an independent study available to juniors and seniors by special arrangement with instructor. You will demonstrate skills in an on-site experience in a church, 录音室, 营, or other location appropriate to your area of interest and specialization. A minimum of 50 clock hours of direct experience is required for a unit of credit. 咨询你的学术顾问.

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  • MUS 2510歌手的措辞

    A comprehensive study of the rules for proper diction in the 唱歌 of English, 意大利, and Latin vocal literature with practical exercises in a comparative approach for American Singers. Languages will be studied using the specific symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet.

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  • MUS 3700音乐在跨文化设置

    在本课程中, you will discover the music of various cultures from around the world and will investigate current efforts and apply biblical guidelines to the development of ethnic hymnody.

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  • 先进导电

    指挥乐团的实践训练. Development of basic 进行 techniques with emphasis on musical interpretation of selected works. Includes ensemble management, score study, rehearsal techniques, and 表演 techniques.

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  • 音乐研讨会

    This is a seminar in which you will explore a specific area of music in greater depth. Includes topics that address current developments and/or special-interest topics in Music. This course aims at developing both an in-depth understanding of the content area but will also aim to develop your thinking and application skills.

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  • MUS 2504声乐合奏大使歌手

    Ambassador Singers is composed of 20-25 members who are selected by audition for the academic year. Selectons occur during the first week of the fall semester and a small number of slots may be filled during the first week of the spring semester. 这些歌手定期为当地教堂做牧师, 组织, 以及整个学年的学校活动. 也可能安排一些城外旅游. Members are required to attend all scheduled rehearsals and sectionals.

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  • MUS 4504声乐合奏大使歌手

    Ambassador Singers is composed of 20-25 members who are selected by audition for the academic year. Selectons occur during the first week of the fall semester and a small number of slots may be filled during the first week of the spring semester. 这些歌手定期为当地教堂做牧师, 组织, 以及整个学年的学校活动. 也可能安排一些城外旅游. Members are required to attend all scheduled rehearsals and sectionals.

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  • 声乐合奏大使歌手

    Ambassador Singers is composed of members who are selected by audition for the academic year. Selections occur during the first week of the fall semester and a small number of slots may be filled during the first week of the spring semester. 这些歌手定期为当地教堂做牧师, 组织, 以及整个学年的学校活动. 也可能安排一些城外旅游. Members are required to attend all scheduled rehearsals and sectionals.

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  • MUS 2523声乐合奏表扬组

    The Praise and Worship team is a group of vocalists and instrumentalists that leads the CIU family in worship through a blend of traditional and contemporary worshp music. 通过试镜.

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  • MUS 4523声乐合奏表扬组

    The Praise and Worship team is a group of vocalists and instrumentalists that leads the CIU family in worship through a blend of traditional and contemporary worshp music. 通过试镜.

For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the 学术目录.


<艺术icle> SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)



CIU requires an audition or a portfolio of your work to be considered for admission.


你要修很多课程,比如乐理, 音乐的历史, 表演, 进行, 和更多的. You will also take general 教育 courses in areas such as science and English.

Can I study music if I don’t have a strong 表演 background?

Yes, you can still pursue a music degree even if you don’t have a strong 表演 background. CIU开设音乐理论课程, 音乐的历史, 进行, as well as hands on learning opportunities through internships.

What kind of career opportunities are available with a music degree?

There are many career paths available to graduates with a music degree, 包括性能, 教育, 治疗, 新闻, 业务, 科技与音乐学.

How important is it to have private lessons in a music program?

Private lessons are a valuable component of the music program, providing one-on-one instruction and feedback from an experienced music teacher.


Yes, 学生 will have opportunities to perform in a variety of venues. These experiences allow 学生 to develop their 表演 skills and gain valuable real-world experience.

How much practice time will I need to dedicate to my studies in a music program?

练习时间的长短因人而异. Generally, 学生 are expected to practice every day to maintain and improve their skills.

What kind of scholarships or financial aid are available for a music program?

Please check with the financial aid office for a full listing of the scholarships and financial aid available to 学生 pursuing a music program at CIU.



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